As the air gets cold, the moisture in the air decreases. The air will steal moisture from your skin and as a result, your skin will be drier this time of the year.
Chapped lips and itchy skin goes hand-in-hand (or foot-in-foot) with the season. If you already have dry or sensitive skin, the winter can be especially brutal. How to tackle the dry air or just dry skin in general. What else can cause dry skin? Having sweaty feet can cause dry feet! When your feet sweat, they are pulling out the moisture from your body. Thus, many will notice that after they allow their feet dry, their skin will be very dry.
Fungus, will also eat up the moisture in your foot and leave the skin dry and flakey. There are many different skin conditions that can cause dry skin. Psoriasis is the most common, but there are several other common conditions that will leave you dry. If the your feet are dry and cracking open, it is best to seek a medical professional such as a podiatrist to address the problem. When cracks or fissures are forming, there is often a systemic disease that is causing problems in the skin and other organs. If the condition has been there for many years or does not respond to at home treatments, a more aggressive treatment may be necessary that can be provided by medical professionals
When shopping for a lotion to sooth your skin, make sure to read the label. The lotions should be water based and contain little to no alcohol. Shea Butter is a natural moisturizer that does wonders to the skin on many different levels. It can be found in many common over the counter lotions today. If your feet are exceptionally dry, you can apply lotion to your skin at night and wear socks while you sleep. Creams are better than lotions for thick skin areas, like the soles of your feet.
Do not apply lotion between your toes and avoid this area with any moisturizing product. The skin between your toes in very thin and sensitive and can easily macerate when too moist. When shopping for shoes, choose light colors and materials that allow air flow. Synthetic materials tend to reflect heat and cause the feet to sweat. Socks can also help you control the moisture in your foot. Fabric made up of a mix of cotton and polyester can help wick away sweat from your foot and will decrease the amount of moisture that evaporates of your skin.
Whether it is the dry air or something you are fighting all year long, it may be time to give your feet a special gift this season. Fill up the bath, soak your feet, and enjoy some nice relaxing lotion. Soothing your feet is like soothing your soul.